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Family Law

Protecting Your Rights & Resolving Your Issues

Happy Mother and Child

Divorce and child custody cases are often turbulent and fraught with emotional issues. With divorce often comes alimony, child support, temporary restraining orders, and separation of assets and debts. We can advise you on the best course of action to take while explaining possible outcomes.

On Your Side

Get the help you need with a separation agreement. We want you to be able to come to us and be comfortable in our nonjudgmental environment. Our office will work zealously to fight your case and give you fair representation. Family law issues can be difficult to talk about, and we want you to know you have an attorney on your side that is compassionate and cares about your situation.

Let the Law Office of Karol S. Hickey help you with the following:

  1. Uncontested Divorce
  2. Contested Divorce
  3. Alimony
  4. Property Division
  5. Child Custody and Visitation
  6. Child Support
  7. Prenuptial Agreements
  8. Domestic Violence/Restraining Orders